These change every patch and can sometimes take more time to sort out before a Dalamud update for a new patch is ready. If you have reshade/reshade, unselect those files to preserve them (gshade-presets, gshade-shaders, GShade. Next, open up FFXIV TexTools and click on any mods in the top left.
So I thought, why not have a thread dedicated to it? Either share cool landscape photos, or even just a new dashing look for your character. As the thread title indicates, do mark spoilers if you're taking a screenshot in a spoiler scene or location.
When comparing setup-guide and ffxiv-material-ui you can also consider the following projects: ZeffUI - A FFXIV Overlay for OverlayPlugin using HTML and JS. So without GShade - GPOSERS – An FFXIV Community › Top Online Courses From The Forbidden Land, Eureka, is an instanced area that up to 144 players can explore simultaneously.